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sanjay nagar redevelopment
According to Ahmednagar Municipal Corporation, 15% of the city’s total population lives in slums. One of these is Sanjay Nagar, the only slum built on government land, covering 2.09 acres with 209 dwelling units of varying quality ranging from kachcha homes to corrugated sheet shacks. With a population of 873, it has a unique social structure with nearly 22 different communities living side-by-side.
How we help
We have been working in Sanjay Nagar since 2004 when we set up our first Balbhavan there and as there are no health care facilities or storm water drains, Snehalaya also brings in doctors and mobile clinics to address health and hygiene issues.
Now, under the Government of India’s Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) 'Housing for All' scheme, Ahmednagar Municipal Corporation, Curry Stone Design Collaborative, Hunnarshala Foundation and Snehalaya Foundation are redeveloping Sanjay Nagar. In a Community-Led Development (CLD) we are working to create 298 locally-owned homes constructed within the framework of PMAY and based on principles including social, economic and environmental sustainability, inclusive process, social cohesion and infrastructure, and solid waste and waste water management.
Designed with input from the community, slum-dwellers have taken on the economic and social responsibility to take on ownership of the development. The multiple housing combinations are structured around seven courtyards, connected through corridors and walkways at first floor level, based on the preference of the families to retain the social fabric and cohesion of the community.
Although all the structures are being demolished to make way for the new development, all of the existing trees will remain and homeowners are being encouraged to choose greener low cost and eco-friendly technologies such as shallow dome roofs, filler slabs, debris blocks, solar lighting, dual plumbing, DEWATS and ground water recharge wells.
How you can help
As an in situ redevelopment, the community’s families need to relocate to a nearby site while construction takes place. With average annual savings of ₹21,360, many the families do not have the financial capacity to gather the required materials for relocation therefore we are appealing for financial support and donations in kind. We require the following immediately:
Tin sheets – (3’x10’) x 10 and (4’x12’) x 3 and (4’x10’) x 2
Wooden posts/scaffolding – 16 pieces (10’-15’ long)
Water tanks
Mobile Toilets
Halogen lamps-1
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temporary housing
If you would like to donate materials please get in touch. If you wish to make a donation please follow this link.
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