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Wings of Aspiration

"Everyone should define their goal and embark on the path then success is undoubtedly achievable"
Parveen Sheikh

Parveen, one of our regular parents at our Malala Balbhavan, has a life story that illustrates her intense passion for education and shows how our Balbhavan support extends beyond our own classrooms.

Just like her children, Parveen had a significant desire for education but, due to her family's circumstances and her responsibilities at home, her education was interrupted. Nonetheless, with inspiration and support from our Balbhavan, she was able to regain her self-confidence and rejoin her path to learning. It was during a home visit that Parveen shared that she had completed her education up to 12th grade in Urdu and wanted to continue her studies. However, circumstances had posed obstacles — the understanding of her family, her husband's permission and financial challenges. With the persistent encouragement and communication from our team, Parveen's husband granted her the permission to continue her education.

"There will be thousands who will break your spirit, But believe in your own flight, The sky is yours."

The initial journey was not easy, but Parveen started her Diploma in Education at Masoomia College in 2022 and excelled with remarkable grades. She is currently in her third year of a Bachelor’s program while working part time. Despite a gap of nearly 16 years in her education, she took on the challenge with resilience and a renewed quest for learning.

Her success serves as an inspiration not just for her family but for others as well. Both of Parveen’s children have been receiving regular education at Balbhavan, and her husband’s brother's children are also pursuing higher education — one is doing a Diploma in Pharmacy, while the other is enrolled in ITI.

"Dream big, spread your wings, No matter how challenging the path may be, Focus on your goal, and success will come knocking at your door."

Parveen's story demonstrates that with determination and appropriate guidance, even in the face of difficult circumstances, one can fulfill their dreams.

"Those who take flight with the wings of their goals have no limits to the sky."

Parveen's inspiring journey teaches us that the desire for education, coupled with support and self-belief, can break through any barriers and help individuals reach for the stars.

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