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Tanks for a great day

To celebrate the Amrit Mahotsav of Indian Independence, the Vehicles Research & Development Establishment (VRDE) organised a grand exhibition for all Ahmednagar district students, teachers and citizens. Based in Ahmednagar, the laboratory of Defence Research and Development Organsation (DRDO), is involved in the design and development of automotive systems for wheeled and light tracked vehicles, automotive chassis and trailers, engines for unmanned aerial vehicles, electric/electronic systems and controllers for vehicles.

Among the curious visitors were three teachers and six students of our Balbhavan Project. They were able to see replicas of some of the missiles India has developed as part of its defence system, including replicas of Agni-1 and Agni-4 missiles. Many tanks of various designs were also on display and some gave demonstrations of their bombs hitting the ground and water from land. A video presentation of all the defence systems developed by the VRDE Institute was displayed on a giant screen.

The VRDE were excellent hosts, arranging fee transport to the exhibition and providing a unique and exciting experience for all involved.


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