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Small Steps, Big Change

Water Conservation Campaign

"Small Steps, Big Change", a transformative water conservation campaign, in collaboration with Smart and UNICEF, was launched by our Radio Nagar 90.4 FM, with the support of Rajmudra Career Academy and the Handaaji family, on 10 June. The initiative aims to raise awareness about the urgent need for water conservation among our youth and local communities through radio broadcast, social media and outreach work, with a few of the highlights detailed below.

Around 150 students from Rajmudra Career Academy attended the inauguration, where they made an oath to conserve water with the help of the "Why Waste" app, which provides practical tips on how to save water in daily life. They also came up with their own slogan to encourage their peers to do the same, "We will save water; you should too!"

This was followed by a visit to the residents and children of Sanjay Nagar, where one of our Balbhavan operates and where we are also redeveloping the slum area. Our Radio Nagar team and notable guests, including Amol Bhaskar, gave information on water conservation, before demonstrating how the app could effectively track and reduce water wastage and another collective pledge to conserve water. Around 50 participants were gathered with students passionately chanting slogans promoting water-saving practices.

On 14 August the team joined our Youth Camp to share their message with the 150 plus youths attending the five-day camp. Supporting the conservation messages was Subhash Nanawate from Paani Foundation, which works with villages across Maharashtra to make them water abundant. Nanawate's discussions focused on methods for saving water and addressing the critical water situation in the country. Participants shared their concerns regarding local water issues, fostering an engaging dialogue that allowed for a profound exchange of ideas. All of the youths also joined in our pledge to save water.

On 1 September an outreach program in the village of Jakhamgaon, united Smart, UNICEF, Radio Nagar 90.4 FM, and the village Panchayat. Village head, Dr Sunil Gande, and other prominent local figures discussed the seriousness of water scarcity and the necessity of conservation efforts. A creative skit by the Handaaji family, illustrated the various ways to conserve water through small, everyday actions. Community members shared their insights and experiences, contributing to the communal understanding of local water preservation techniques.

Dr Gande emphasized strategies like rainwater harvesting and the construction of check dams as essential steps to manage and retain water effectively. Additionally, RJ Renuka's segment encouraged villagers to take a pledge against water wastage by presenting seven challenges that fostered active participation. The day concluded with an interactive quiz session, with water-related questions and prizes for correct answers, further incentivizing engagement.

The remarkable success of the "Small Steps, Big Change" campaign illustrates the collective effort of multiple stakeholders dedicated to promoting water conservation in our communities. With continuous initiatives and active participation from youth and local residents, this campaign paves the way for a sustainable future and highlights the significance of conserving one of our most vital resources.

We encourage everyone involved to maintain momentum in their water-conserving efforts and to inspire others to join in this critical endeavor. Together, small steps can lead to monumental changes in our communities and beyond!

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