Neha is 35 years old and a widow. Her husband passed away last year and a short time later her elder daughter committed suicide. This was not only mentally challenging for Neha, she was also left with the sole responsibility for her second daughter and five-year-old grandson. She was constantly worried about how she would be able to take care of them which meant she had no time to look after herself and her health began to suffer.

Sensing something was wrong, she went to a doctors who found lumps in two places in her abdomen. She was told she would have to undergo tests and an operation to remove the tumours which would cost between Rs 25,000 and Rs 30,000. Unable to afford this, she never took the required tests and the lumps remained, further affecting her health..
With no solution in sight, her despair grew until one day someone told her about Snehalaya. She went to our Pratisad Center where she met our founder, Dr Girish Kulkarni. He immediately called our Snehadhar team who arranged the required medical examinations and surgery. The very next day, one of our social workers took Neha to Khalkar Hospital where they were able to negotiate a reduced fee for her treatment.
We are pleased to report that the tumors were successfully removed and Neha is now in good health. We are grateful to the doctors who helped us relieve the financial burden on her so she could have her life-saving surgery. We continue to do follow up and will be with Neha and her family whenever they need us.