Our Sakhi (One-Stop) Center and Snehadhar projects were among NGO staff, government and semi-government bodies invited to attend a discussion on the Protection of Human Rights of Women, jointly hosted by the State Women's Commission and State Human Rights Commission in Mumbai.
Discussions covered measures and implementation for women's human rights and their protection. economical, educational and social development. The Registrar Officer of the State Human Rights Commission shared some shocking statistics from the Corona period, showing the impact of the shadow pandemic, as shown on our graphics.
State Human Rights Commission Joint Secretary, Hon. Sunita Singh provided further information about the structure, functioning and publications of the Human Rights Commission. Chair of State Women's Commission, Hon. Rupali Tai Chakankar shared how the Commission had solved 9,524 of the 10,907 complaints received last year. However, the number of women's rights violations is increasing day by day, including increased child marriages and health issues. She also shared her own experience as a widow who is deprived of many rights.

One aim of the discussion was to understand organisations, such as ours, opinions regarding the protection of women's rights, the difficulties we face in our work and the help we expect from the Commission. We were able to share our work for women through our Sakhi Center and Snehadhar's National Women's Helpline including our success in working for women empowerment.
