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Our Angels: Sonali

This International Nurses Day we are giving a big shout out to all the nurses taking care of our patients in our on-site Caring Friends Hospital & Research Center (CFHRC). Thank you for your care and dedication.

Our hospital provides subsidised healthcare to all and organises health camps in our local communities, if you would like to use our services please contact

"Nurses are vital front-line health care providers, who have to be highly knowledgeable of the status of their patients at all times and innovative when handling them."
Sonali, Staff Nurse, CFHRC

Sonali joined our former Snehdeep Hospital in 2014 as an outreach worker who would counsel out-patients at Ahmednagar's Civil Hospital providing them information about our hospital treatments.

When Dr Parjane told her about our Bedside Assistant Nursing course, she didn't really consider it but when another woman told her about it on a visit to the market she thought again. She registered and completed the coursework during the day while also working in the hospital at night. After graduating, she joined our hospital as a staff nurse where she helps look after our beneficiaries, including our Rehab Center children.

During COVID, Sonali did a great job of caring for our children who tested positive, treating their symptoms while also helping to prevent their boredom, day and night. It's evident from her dedication and commitment that she enjoys her work very much and her experiences serving the most vulnerable are significant to her.

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