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"For Someone Who Has No One"

Let us begin. Let us do at least a small act.

In April, a team of four from US-based BitterSweet Monthly visited Snehalaya to research a feature article on our work. We have been excitedly awaiting the publication of their story and video and, finally the wait is over as we are the featured organisation in their July edition.

We are thrilled with both the article and video and, despite the huge challenge of trying to condense our 23 projects into one story, seeing the diversity of our organisation reflected in others' eyes.. We are so grateful that Snehalaya's story is being told and our profile is being raised through the online publication. You can read more about how Bittersweet found us in this post from earlier this year.

The team managed to understand and translate our work in just four days. They met with key staff and beneficiaries taking in our history, facts, figures, stories, personalities while also picking up a little Marathi and tirelessly trying to remember everyone's names. Connecting with the featured artists with empathy and respect, they left with an insight into our work and people that can only be achieved by this kind of immersion. They describe this as:

"This is a story that lingers long after it’s absorbed. As a parent there are few things more heart-rending than the sacrificial love behind the plea, please, take our kids. And while it tugs at heartstrings, it also convicts. Challenged by Girish’s courage, may we also have the fortitude to not look away from the suffering before us, from the someone who has no one."

The stars of the feature are also very excited to see themselves represented to an international audience with such stunning visuals. Focused on the motivations of our Founder, Dr Girish Kulkarni in starting Snehalaya, our President, Jaya, and others as representatives of our communities and Unchal Foundation, inspired by Snehalaya to start working with sugarcane workers, it also has contributions from senior staff and a starring role in the video of one of our talented aspiring actresses.

Author of the article, and one of the founders of Bittersweet, Kate Schmidgall says: "Our highest hope is that YOU ALL—living the work day in and day out—feel honored and inspired by the story. You all are what we need more of in the world."

We are also hopeful that the article inspites more people to explore our work and consider how they can help to create a better world, because as Giirsh says: " If not me. then who? If not now, then when?"

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