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snehalaya English Medium School

Our English Medium School was set up in 2010, primarily to provide education to our Rehab Center children who were struggling in mainstream school as their HIV medication and restricted health affected their concentration and attendance. As our school has expanded, we have opened our doors to children from our neighbouring communities, providing subsidised fees and materials to those from poorer incomes.

In 2023, we were shortlisted in the World's Best School Prize Top Three finalists for overcoming adversity for our work in tackling the stigma faced by people living with HIV/AIDS and sex workers. This was a huge achievement as we were the first and only semi-rural school in India to have made it to this stage in the prize since its inception.


How we help


Our curriculum accommodates all of our children's special needs and focuses on play-based activities and interactive learning through technology, sports and the arts. We have also opened our doors to children from our slum and local communities, many of whom have been excluded from other schools or faced bullying due to their backgrounds or social standing, with the aim of improving social integration and acceptance.



Who we help


We provide education from lower kindergarden (LKG) up to 10th standard for children aged 5 to 15, and have 100 % pass rate in 10th Std. We encourage all of our children to complete 12 Std and continue on to higher education. By understanding and adapting to their different needs, we are seeing improved academic performance from our children.



How you can help


Our school relies on donations to provide educational materials, keep our school bus running and provide educational excursions. Help us to ensure our children’s health issues and social standing do not hold them back from their right to an equal education.

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