Corporate giving
There are around 3 million NGOs in India but none are quite like Snehalaya!
When it comes to fulfilling your CSR obligations, there are many organizations working in the fields of protecting women and children, healthcare, domestic violence, human trafficking, rape, education, HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness, rehabilitation of sex workers, and support of minority groups. Snehalaya is unique in covering them all under one roof – our ‘Home of Love’.
With over 20 projects across the four key areas of health, education, rehabilitation, and awareness for marginalized women and children, we are small but mighty, and have received the President’s Dr Durgabai Deshmukh Award and featured on Amir Khan’s Satyamev Jayate TV show in 2012.
We are a grassroots organisation serving over 19,000 beneficiaries a year, providing the support and services to free them from poverty and discrimination. We are also active at local, national, and international levels networking and sharing best practices to advocate for and inform them of their rights.
Our primary focus is on women and children affected by the sex industry and HIV/AIDS. However, we seek to understand and address the root causes that lead to the exploitation of sex workers and the spread of HIV/AIDS which benefit others, including victims of violence, unmarried mothers and their unborn and new-born babies, adoptive parents, slum communities, low-income households, LGBTQ communities, youths and men living with HIV/AIDS.
Much of our funding comes from individual donors, including many of our own beneficiaries, who expect us to demonstrate maximum impact from their donations. We also receive nominal government funding but it is crucial that we also secure guaranteed regular funding to ensure consistent and sustainable service and build on our corpus reserve funds, which is where you can help.
Whether you are looking for a short-term one-off project or a more sustainable long-term partnership, we believe we have something to fit the bill.

Our team is happy to visit your organisation to meet with you and your colleagues to talk more about the work we do, and how you can be involved.
You can also arrange to visit our offices and projects in Ahmednagar, Pune or Mumbai.
Call 9970982505 or email give@snehalaya.org

Why choose us?
We have nearly 30 years of experience and reliability working with and for our women and children.
We were founded in the city of Ahmednagar and have expanded to provide services throughout our district and beyond with regional offices and sister organisations in Pune, Nashik, Mumbai, and Karnataka reaching beneficiaries as far as Kashmir and Chennai.
Our networks extend even further nationally and internationally and we are in regular contact with other NGOs to forge new knowledge transfer partnerships (KTPs) to share best practices and build on our existing networks to unite our voices in tackling the issues our beneficiaries face.
how can you help?
We are in most immediate need of funds to cover the cost of keeping our projects running, construction, capital costs, and corpus as detailed below. This list is not exclusive and if you would like to fund another area then we would be happy to discuss this in more detail, call 9970982505 or email give@snehalaya.org
Operational funding:
Balbhavan (slum community centres)
Snehalaya English Medium School
Rehabilitation Center (children’s shelter home)
Snehankur Adoption Center
Himmatgram (Farm)
Radio Nagar 90.4 FM
Caring Friends Hospital & Research Center
Manasgram mental health facility\
Capital funding:
Corpus (financial reserves)
Farm development
Centralised systems
Snehalaya: an experienced NGO for CSR initiatives
We are a solutions-led organisation and welcome input from corporates to partner us in tackling the issues facing our beneficiaries. Below are three examples of how we are working with corporates and funders to leverage social change.

Many of our beneficiaries come from farming communities and have been forced to seek our support due to the impact of drought or economic migration. To help stem the flow of this migration, we have partnered with Syngenta Foundation India (SFI), which works to develop Indian agriculture and the welfare of farmers, to develop an Agricultural Training Center providing sustainable agricultural technology training employment for young people. The aim is to encourage the rural youth to stay within their communities to support and develop modern farming techniques to counter the issues currently affecting the profession and reduce the number of children and women coerced into forced labour and trafficking.

Once our children reach 18, they are considered adults and no longer eligible to come under the care of our Rehab Center. To help them become independent adults and ensure the stability of their HIV medication, we have developed a short-term home that allows them to continue their studies or learn vocational skills with nearby employers. We are grateful to GKN Sinter Metals, a multinational components manufacturer, for providing the funds to construct and develop our GKN Center and for providing ongoing support of our youths, including employment. The aim is that they leave our care only when they are equipped with skills and knowledge to that will ensure their future success and prevent them from returning to situations where they will be vulnerable to opportunists, such as in red light areas and slums.
Tax exemption certificates
These are available to all Indian tax payers.
To receive your tax receipt please email support@snehalaya.org with details of your name, PAN, payment made (full amount paid and the account you paid it into), email ID, full postal address and telephone number. Once received we will issue your receipt via email and post.
Our Snehalaya UK charity accounts allow UK tax payers to claim tax on all donations. Pay through one of our payment methods to allow you to give more with Gift Aid.
Why trust us with your CSR?
We are founded on Gandhian philosophies and adhere to the norms prescribed for the good governance of voluntary organisations. We take real pride in being transparent, accountable and able to demonstrate our achievements on behalf of women and children.
Our credentials include:
Registered in 1991 under the Societies Registration Act 1960
Registered in 1995 under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)
Registered in 2014 under the UK Charities Act (2011)
Registered with the Income Tax department under Section 12A of the Income Tax Act 1961
Certified by Credibility Alliance
Certified by Charities Aid Foundation and member of the Caring Friends network and Give India.
Get in touch today to arrange a visit from our team to find out more. You can also arrange to visit our offices and projects in Ahmednagar or Pune.
Call 9970982505 or email give@snehalaya.org
Malala Fund
We partnered with Malala Fund and Participant Media to bring the documentary, He Named me Malala to Mumbai and Ahmednagar District. Telling the story of Malala Youzsafi’s courage in standing up against the Taliban to continue her education, the film was seen by over 30,000 people in rural communities creating a movement highlighting the need for equality in education. Using our influence and existing community links we invited key influencers to attend and commit to advancing girls’ education.