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Balbhavan - Slum community centers
Urban slums are breeding grounds for serious social issues like child labour, malnutrition, child marriages, addiction, HIV/AIDS and human trafficking for sexual exploitation. The children living in our city slums are often exposed to domestic violence, peer pressure and violent community brawls and often lack the attention of parents who are burdened with their own struggles for survival and rely on their child’s labour to supplement the family income.
How we help
Our Balbhavans are unique models of social change for children living in seven of Ahmednagar’s slums. Based in community hubs our staff are positioned to get to the heart of the issues and provide solutions. They conduct regular surveys identifying issues such as children missing school and work with them and their families to encourage them to get the education that will be key in breaking the cycle of poverty.
Who we help
Playgroups, after school tuition for older children, health check-up camps, self-help groups, education on the consequences of addictions and child marriage, and sports and cultural activities all help build communal harmony, health, hygiene and educational attainment.
How you can help
Over 700 children are currently attending our extra-curricular classes and to date over 20,000 slum-dwellers have enjoyed access to our other support services.
Help us to bring more activities to our slums and break the cycle of poverty.

latest news

SLUM redevelopment
One of the six slums we work in is Sanjay Nagar. We are currently working as part of a consortium to redevelop the slum. You can read more here...

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